I was really pleased with the outfit (and it was comfortable!) and got lots of compliments on it. The Taiwanese folks at the residence were kind enough to tell me that the large gold character probably was "horse" and it was right side up, even if they thought it might be a mirror image. The jewelry I am wearing was created by Karen McClintock and worked perfectly with the outfit. Each earring is one of the square Swarovski crystals that make up the necklace and the bracelet. I couldn't afford all the pieces and frankly, I hardly ever wear necklaces and bracelets. However, I did buy the earrings and I do wear earrings all the time. They were over $100 with tax.

Here is a bit of a close-up. This photo was taken using my little camera by a local photographer who does charity events like this, Frank Scheme. He has posted his pix over at his website.

Let me just back track a little. Here, I am flat felling the armscye which can get tricky when the fabric frays or is too stiff. I was lucky that the linen, while substantial, was not that thick. I have done this with denim, so it isn't too horrible. [I went to dictionary dot com and discovered I have been mispronouncing "armscye"! Horrors. I have been saying arm-ski, when it should be arm-sigh.]

I decided instead of just turning up the sleeve hems, I would do a sort of couture hem, even though no one but me would ever know it is there. I used a strip of the black linen...

... which I machine sewed to the raw edge of the bottom of the sleeve. Then I ironed it up and hand sewed the folded edge of the black linen to the sleeve.

I remembered I had a single large brass/gold button leftover in my collection and it even had a sort of Oriental look to it. It works well.

I look a little glassy in the flash! But I'm really not. And I see I will eventually have to do something with that dark front tooth. I fell off my bicycle when I was 8, scraping my face down the pavement. The tooth bled into the enamel and made it darker than the others. On the other hand, I am aging all over and getting a bit of a chicken neck and age spots, so I have to ask myself if I care about the tooth.

Here are a couple of more pix from the event. It is graciously held at the residence of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Ambassador, Dr. David and Mrs. Lin Chih Lee. They even feed us while we are there. We have a silent auction too. Mostly, I like it as a social event that raises awareness but also provides an excuse for survivors getting together. All in all, a success.
Your blog is fab, and you look fab!
That is absolutely beautiful!! You did a magnificent job on the outfit :)
Your dress is gorgeous! Flatfelling the armscye, haven't tried that myself but I have seen it. What an impressive technique!
You look stunning! I love your fabric and you did an amazing job making this outfit. The event sounds like it was a great success :)
Love. It!
Your suit turned out marvelous! You look great!
Thanks everyone! This event is a fund-raiser thrown by a third party and it is small and exclusive but it is always lovely, the hosts are wonderful and we are happy to be there.
As for flat-felling the armscye, I have done this on most shirts, including my husband's shirts, and all my jean jackets and other unlined jackets. It can sometimes get a little crooked but even so, it is always neater than not doing it. I don't do it when I'm lining the jacket, of course.
I've learned a lot following your entries about the outfit. The final result is beautiful.
Gorgeous suit Julia, you look great in it. Thank you for the inspiration!
You look beautiful in your jacket and dress. The fit is great and the color is so flattering to you
Thanks so much Wendy, Sarah and Audrey!
What a beautiful suit! I was drawn to your website b/c of another suit that you are working on~Vogue 1127.I, also, saw that you've made another suit (jacket) that I have cut out, New Look 6619...it's beautiful! I am definitely a follower now. :)
Thanks very much Alethia! Keep on sewing!
I agree, it is a beautiful suit! Well done :)
It's been a while since I visited with you. You look great and your dress fits so beautifully.
No matter why you do it, there are plenty of benefits associated with sewing your own clothes. Whether you do it to save money, for fun, for the self fulfillment, or to be prepared in case of an emergency, sewing your own clothes can be a good idea.
Hi, Julia,
I just found your blog about three weeks ago, and I have been enjoying the archives since your first blog. Your adventurous spirit is infectious! Just a few blogs ago was a wonderful picture of you and Peter. You both looked so lovely.
And now this gorgeous suit. Of all the things you've sewn and blogged about, this is absolutely my favorite piece thus far. It fits you beautifully, and it's very, very stylish. You look gorgeous!
Thanks Anonymous. I haven't been blogging for ages since I've discovered philosophy and am now studying that at university. I may get the occasional entry in but I guess it's good there are all those archives!
Do I know you? Is this Joy? :)
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