Our condo is having all the windows replaced but when they went to take out the one in my sewing room, they discovered a nest of wasps in the wall and all work there ground to a halt. Now we are waiting on the pest control guys who are hyper busy this Summer for some unknown reason with bees and wasps. Once they rip the wall apart to get the bugs, then we will have to have it repaired and THEN I can have my window replaced. In the meantime, I don't want to put my table and stuff back because I don't know when I'll have to move it again. Plus there is that lingering sense of evil (like in the movie "The Birds"), where I am wondering if the wasps can now come into my room because all the trim has been removed and the window half wrenched out. Yeesh. So I must do other things than sew. Sorry about it.
"But they only sting you if you jump around."
We lived in a flat with a permanent wasps' nest under the balcony ceiling. Every other year the nest would start to become feisty, and we'd spray the bejesus out of it, and we'd have relative peace. Until they tried to build a refugee camp wasps' nest ON OUR CURTAINS.
Hey Bani. It was the window guys who told us that they saw about 50 wasps just flying in and out. There's no telling how many are in the wall. It could be a HUGE nest. Since it's a condo, we are not responsible for the exterior (that's why they are replacing the windows when they want) and have opted to go for the professionals to remove the wasps. Also, if we spray just the entrance to the nest and don't kill the whole thing, THEN wall them up inside the house with the new, tight windows, they might invade the ceiling and attic and boy, then we'd have trouble. Then it really would be like "The Birds"! But we are STILL waiting for the pest guys...
You poor thing! I am sorry this will halt your sewing. That must be devasting! Hope it is resolved soon.
Cindi, they got the window in yesterday! I am just going up there now to carry on. Yay!
50 wasps? Jesus. :-O That's a big nest. Check your curtains for emigrants.
Here wasps are protected species, you can't kill them and have to call the environ. people to come and take them out. I think they carry them somewhere far off or into the woods. They only seem to get fiesty near the end of summer, I think they fear the cold and start going crazy.
Just wanted to add to the above post:
"They only seem to get fiesty near the end of summer, I think they fear the cold and start going crazy."
Much like myself....lol.
Seems we have much in common: sewing, writing and being misplaced out of our sewing rooms, at least temporarily,(my college grandson is living in mine). I've been teaching sewing most of my life (I'm 69) and now writing about it. I want to share what I know before I go. I encourage you to get your book out there. We need to keep the art of sewing alive. I suggest you consider doing an ebook. When you have a chance, I would appreciate your honest opinion of my Sewing Success Sewing Blog at http://1ststeptosewingsuccess.blogspot.com and my 1st Step To Sewing Success website at http://www.1ststeptosewingsuccess.com You might like to check out my brand new fitting method for pants and skirts. I teach common sense techniques. Let me know what you think.
To Your Sewing and Writing Success,
Marian Lewis
Bani, I seem to be well sealed up now, thanks to the window guys, not the pest guy. But I'll be keeping my eyes peeled.
Heather, I can't imagine protecting wasps! Ack! Bees maybe and my pests were bees. But we have LOTS of insects here - no need to protect them. As for getting feisty, we don't necessarily fear the cold but here in Canada, it can kill you! In fact, Mother Nature seems to always be looking for ways to kill us.
Marian, I have had a brief look at your extensive site and I'm impressed! I had actually run across it once before, I think. I'm "only" 48 but I'm not planning on going anywhere soon! I will go make more comments on your site.
Ooh Julia, now I feel conflicted about having saved the wasp's life...
Not at all Zoom! I read your entry and thought, "that's what I would have done." It's just that there was a nest of them and the window couldn't be replaced without getting rid of the poor things. I really don't like to kill things indiscriminately no matter what they are - well, except for mosquitoes!
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