Thursday, October 20, 2005

First post (the Rule)

I have a strict rule that I made up, I impose on myself and I enforce rigorously. It is: I cannot start a new project until I have completely finished the project I am currently working on. Before I made this rule, I would start several projects and have them all hanging about with different spools of threads out of the box and pieces of fabric and patterns all jumbled up in a big mess. I discovered that I prefer to think about a new thing to make and to start making it than to continue and finish it. Too tedious. Well, it isn’t really that tedious but it can get to be plain work after a while. And it is more fun to think of the various fabrics and what garment I could make with them, or what craft object I could make, than to actually pin those pieces together and iron them and rip out stuff if need be. So I wanted to start this sewing blog some time ago but I have been trying to finish this blouse first, so I could start the blog with a new project. Since I have had Rocky (see for the last 6 weeks or so, I have had my free time somewhat curtailed and so the blouse has languished and I have not been allowed to start something new for the blog.

Today, I determined I would get that thing finished... and I did! I even managed to put the snaps on this other shirt I’d made months ago and for which I’d sort of violated my rule because I hadn’t quite finished it (although it was just the fasteners, please!). I’ll tell the snaps story some other time, maybe. So stay tuned for the introduction of the fabric and pattern for the next thing I’m making, which will either be some jeans or a shirt. Unless it’s something else.


Lissa said...

Julia, I was looking at your silk suit post again... I LOVE it... and I linked to your Rule... boy do I need your Rule... I have unfinished sewing projects, knitting projects, embroidery projects, home dec projects, etc, and after a while, it takes me so long to finish anything that my tastes have changed and I don't even like it any more... I confess I'm a project planner/starter, perhaps that's why smaller projects always end up as my favorite! I'm gonna implement your rule.

JuliaR said...

Thanks Melissa. "The Rule" is the only way to go. For me anyway.