I have decided NOT to bring the new linen outfit I just made. Not because I haven't decided on the buttons (although, I am pretty sure I want to do covered buttons). But because I am leaving tomorrow and I want to take a minimum of fuss outfits with me and you can't say that linen is no-fuss. So I will go through my tried and true clothes, like the kind I took to
California with me in August. Only I will bring more layers and long sleeves to Florida! If it gets hot, great. But even in California in August, on the coast I was wishing I had more things with sleeves.

I finished the robe and now it is packed. If I blog on this trip it will be to juliaringma.blogspot.com as that is the default I set my EeePC to just now. I'd better go finish packing! Thanks everyone for your comments!
Beautiful! Enjoy your trip!
Oh, it's the robe...I was thinking, wow, Julia made a whole new dress for the trip. :) In a pinch, you could totally wear the robe out to dinner- add some nice shoes and you're done. Very versatile! Wishing you safe and happy travels.
Have a wonderful trip.
Yes, I know I made a dress AND a jacket but they were linen and I just couldn't rationalize all the ironing.
We stopped driving today in Pennsylvania, just before we hit Virginia. Then we watched the weather and saw that a foot of snow had fallen on Richmond! Now we are rethinking our route, except we are due to have lunch with an old friend in Petersburg. Hmm.
Have a great trip Julia. I love your Pj's and robe. Did I mention I'm making almost the exact things for our trip to Paris in Sept.?
SP, you should love Paris in September. Layers is key for comfort and bring an umbrella (or buy one there) and comfortable footwear. We took the sewer tour in May '08 and it was worth it! Google "Paris sewer tour". And I don't mean "sewer" as in one who sews but as in where the waste water goes!
That´s just gorgeous!
Oh how happy I am that you are back. I have been frantically searching for you over the holidays. As I watch the olympics opening ceremony I thought I would try one more time to find my favorite canadian sewing blogger.
thank you for sewing again.
Lisa from New Mexico
Hey Lisa! Wow, your favourite Canadian! Well, sewing blogger, anyway. :) I watched the opening of the Olympics last night too. I really liked the "whales" spouting under the "water". I hope both our teams do well!
Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your time with your parents. Mine have been gone for years and I still miss them and wish I could ask them things.
Take care xx
Very nice! Have a great trip! Just putting it out there, if you are ever in the need of someone to transport cars overseas, look up Auto Shipping Network. They do an impressive job.
The print is fantastic.
have a great trip. the print is great
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