Of course, all this planning is making me think about coordinating clothes and how, while I certainly do have some (okay, lots), I would like to have some more that coordinate well.

I have been buying some new patterns lately and have been looking for "the perfect jacket". I still have not found that one yet but I have been wanting to make different variations on my standard jean jacket pattern that I love but admit that it is a little boxy. I found these two, unlined jacket patterns and got them with no particular fabric in mind. The Butterick 4741 is more of a jean-type jacket, with the pockets and bands and such. I am planning to make view D (the red one on the envelope) for the trip. The Vogue 8208 is sort of a safari jacket and I think I will make it in the long sleeves but I am not sure I need the belt.

I have been thinking about what main colour I should have on the trip and since I like bright colours and have bright colours, I am thinking I will go with a red/yellow combination. Red will include pink and orange too so it's all warm colours. Here are some existing skirts and jackets. I have a red and an orange jacket and three printed skirts in those tones. And I have a yellow and pink shirt. I put the beige corduroy outfit I made recently on the bed as a neutral.

Then I put away the print skirts and placed three solid colour skirts I have had for years with the same jackets and shirts. I think I like a few prints in with the mix - all those solids are too much.

My idea when I went shopping today was to get two pieces of complimentary twill - one in a print and one in a solid, in warm colours. Unfortunately, I couldn't find such things and so I ended up buying two solids. That yellow is warmer - not so green as in the photo, and the brown is a warm fawn colour. I plan on making the Butterick jean-type jacket in the yellow twill. It is too sheer (yellow is like that) to make a skirt unless I line it so I just got enough for a jacket. The brown twill has 3% Spandex and is thicker with a nice peached finish and I plan to make the safari jacket and an unlined skirt out of it.
So now I am really SWAP - Sewing With A Purpose. Head down and nose to the feed dogs and go. I am rehearsing the phrase: "Je l'ai cousu."
I LOVE that vogue pattern!!!!
Thanks Adrienne, it looks pretty straightforward. I think I will make it with all four pockets too.
Oh! Julia!!! France!!! Excellent! This will be so cool!
Carmen, it is partly due to you that we are going there instead of Scotland! I should be practising my French but don't really have time any more - too busy sewing. Although, I will turn the radio station to Radio-Canada, now that I think of it. We will just muddle by and point at the menu when we want anything. :)
Are you going to be able to fit all that in and still be under the weight minimum? (shoot, they fined me for having heavy luggage at the Paris airport the last time I went through there).
I think that 2 tank tops or sleeveless shells would be nice, worn under the blouses.
--it's going to be fun!!!
Jen O. good point! And welcome to my blog! I just checked Air France rules and carry on has to be under 12 kilos (checked can be 20 kilos). We actually opted not for a bag that by itself weighs 4 kilos. But I am going to cram my backpack FULL beforehand and then weigh it to see. My smaller book backpack can tote about 20 pounds (9 kilos) which includes juice and milk so I ought to be safe with the 12 kilo rule but I appreciate you pointing it out! Whatever it takes, I'll get it to under 12 kilos. If I can ride a bike for 2 weeks with minimal weight, I can do this.
Thanks for posting the picture of the Vogue Safari Jacket as I have been searching everywhere for one. I made one in high school out of a lt. aqua and loved it for years! Anyway, I found the pattern and will be making it very soon out of some fab fabric from Seatle Fabrics. Thanks again!
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