I had this huge piece of some grey flannel-looking stuff that was mocking me so I decided to finally use it. I am pretty sure I had bought it with pants in mind and since the weather is getting ever more Wintery, I decided pants would be the thing. Plus, all the dress pants I had been wearing a few years ago are all pleated wonders that make me look even shorter and dumpier. I have a pattern that I have used once before in a rayon and they fit pretty well. I also have been watching "What Not to Wear" and they recommend pants that fall straight down from the widest part of your leg (i.e. that fatty saddlebag bit) and this pattern does that. As a bonus, there is no waistband so I know at least they will be comfortable.
The pattern is a nice one - McCall's 4154 - and I have made the jacket too. I make the length that hits at mid-thigh. I have been thinking about making the longer jacket as a light weight coat but haven't got around to that yet.
Then I finally got to compare the new bobbin case with the old one and to my surprise, the part that I thought had to be broken looks exactly like the same part on the new bobbin case. There is a tiny screw that looks different but that is the only thing I can see that looks any different - not the piece of plastic that I thought had been broken off. So I am mystified and a bit annoyed that when my long-suffering husband took the old case in to compare it with the new when he picked it up, the sales person said "oh yes I see where it is broken" and now neither one of us can see anything. Anyway, I am going to sew with the new case and see if my stupid thread continues to break. If it does, I know I have to find some other reason for the problem. Grr.
Ugh, I'm so sorry you were ill. I hope you're feeling better now?
I have such a difficult time getting pants to fit my strange shaped body. I hope this works out for you. Do you find flannel to be difficult to sew?
Hello Julia,
I have been following your sewing since the summer. But I haven't commented and now after reading that you gave midterms to 78 students, I have to ask you what you teach? I am in Quebec and teach too. I guess why I like coming here is that you inspire me to keep sewing, quilting etc, even when life gets hectic. I am just getting back to sewing for myself after many years of sewing for my boys. I tend to hate sewing for my body type....but you have inspired me. I have a hoodie cut out out and waiting for me. Being a teacher it is hard to balance life...the corrections and planning seem to take over my life.
Nice meeting you and thanks for inspiring me.
Julia, how is your machine now? I am thinking that you probably had a burr on the hook or something.
Thanx ML, it was just an ordinary cold. All gone now. When I described the fabric as "grey flannel" is was being more descriptive than literal. It is a medium weight stuff, probably made out of acrylic (kind of soft to the touch) and it sews nicely. I used the "flannel" descriptor because of how it looks, like what you would make a suit out of, including the colour. I generally forget what the fabric is made of, after it sits in my stash for some years, unless it is really special like a silk or wool.
Peg, welcome to my blog and I am happy to inspire you!
And Sharon, I teach various courses to the law clerk program at the local community college (Algonquin if you know Ontario). Since I am strictly part time, I generally only teach one or maybe two courses per semester and I only get paid for the time I spend teaching, which is why I complain about marking - I can spend six hours marking but I don't get paid for it. The courses are things like Property, Landlord/Tenant, Estates.
Heather, I couldn't believe it - when I put the new bobbin case in the machine, it fit really tightly and then I discovered I couldn't get the thread under the gizmo that holds the case in place so now I have to take it back. As I pointed out (wherever it was) I couldn't see ANY difference between the two cases so now I think my trouble must lie elsewhere. I change my needles so often that I know it isn't them but you are right - there must be something like a burr somewhere. I'll find it eventually, maybe.
You've probably looked at this, but just in case - take a look at your top thread tension and make sure it's threaded properly. I don't know how it does it, but occasionally my top thread finds its way off the "proper threading path" and off it snaps. Of course, rethreading fixes the problem. There may be something that helps keep the tread on the right path, like a guiding wire, that is either being missed or isn't there anymore.
Hi Julia!
I've never commented on your wonderful blog before, so I just wanted to let you know how great I think it is. Not only do you take the time to make very nice garments, but you also take very clear pictures of every step.
Thanks so much for being an inspiration to a beginning seamstress like me!
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