Friday, July 24, 2009

Not about sewing so much...

I'm kind of bummed. As you know, all last winter, I lay around the house feeling like death warmed over from the chemo. It was while I was lying on the couch, watching reruns of "The Dog Whisperer", that I conceived the idea of a reward holiday. I said, "I want a reward for going through this slow motion hell and I want to go to California and meet Cesar Millan!" And so our trip to California in August was born.

I wrote Cesar a letter, explaining my circumstances and wondering if I could meet him, or just his dogs if he wasn't going to be there. I wrote it on real stationery with a fountain pen, so it would stand out as well as look sincere. If nothing else, I AM sincere! I wrote it on the computer first, so I could redraft parts, so I'll include what I wrote at the bottom here. I had even seen that episode with the teenaged girl who got to see him about her dog because she went through the Children's Wish Foundation and since I am way too old for that, I determined that I would grant my own wish.

After a while and no answer, I went to his web site and to the "contact" page and sent my letter as an email. It was interesting that the contact pages asks for fewer than 500 words and I had only written about 360 to begin with (it was small stationery). At the contact page, there are drop down menus to identify the subject matter of your inquiry. The first one I choose was "The dog psychology centre" and the second one that arose from that had "Can I visit the D.P.C.?" as an option.

The next day, I got this response by email:
"Thank you for contacting the Dog Psychology Center. This is an auto-reply.
We appreciate your interest in Cesar and the dedicated staff at the Dog Psychology Center. Unfortunately, at this time, the center is not open to the public, and no visitors or tours are permitted on the grounds."

Well, I do understand that he must get millions of inquiries every year and that there are lots of crazies out there (I have seen some on his show!). But this is why I am bummed, because the entire impetus for going to California (as opposed to say, Spain to watch Lance on the Tour this year) was to see Cesar and tell him how much his show meant to me last winter. *sigh*

Here is my original letter:
"I am writing to see if I may visit the Dog Psychology Centre and meet you. I checked your web site and there are no "public tours" that I can see, so I realize this sort of visit would have to be arranged particularly for me.

This last winter, I was having chemotherapy for breast cancer and I found myself lying on the couch every day at 5 pm, watching "The Dog Whisperer" on the National Geographic channel. I'd seen all the shows before but I watched them again anyway because I love the message that is in each episode and I think you are a genius when it comes to dogs. I also had finally come to understand what you mean about the energy that people have and how it affects dogs. When I was first diagnosed and I told people, I would often feel a wave of negative energy coming off them, in the form of fear and pity. It was very interesting to see how I became so attuned to feeling energy and that's when I clicked with your message in the show.

So there I was, lying on the couch, enduring until I finished my treatments, and I turned to my husband and said, "when I am done this, my reward will be to go to California and meet the Dog Whisperer!" I know kids can get such things through the Children's Wish Foundation but as someone past 50, I will have to give this wish to myself. Now we have booked our tickets and we will be spending some quality time with wine and food in Napa, seeing San Francisco, driving down through Monterey and ending up in Los Angeles on August 17-19. I am hoping you will be in town at that time because I would love to meet you. But even if you are not, I would like to visit the Centre and meet some of the dogs I have seen on your show, like Junior, who must be fully grown now!

Please let me know if it will be possible for us to visit the Centre in August."

I'm only posting this because I'm a bit blue about the results of the inquiry and I hope by getting it off my chest (pun?) it will make me feel better.  It would have been great to visit with Cesar, or his lovely wife, or Daddy or Junior. I know, I should just get a dog already! Soon...

More sewing shortly!


  1. I had to laugh when I got to the last sentence. You don't have a dog!?! Maybe that should be your reward.

  2. Obviously Cesar is not the human whisperer. That's just cold to ignore a sincere handwritten request, and to send an automated reply to an email like that. If it makes you feel any better, he probably never even saw your letter. (I don't think it would make me feel any better.)

    Anyway, if *I* was the dog whisperer, I'd have given an enthusiastic yes to your request.

  3. Thanks Cindy, I will get a dog some time. I had the best. dog. ever. for over 14 years and so I'm "between dogs", as they say.

    I know Zoom, thanks for saying "yes" for me! Maybe if I sit on the curb outside his compound and sigh a lot, they will have pity on me.

  4. Plus, I bet he does get thousands of pieces of mail and how would you ever sort through it. I have seen the line-ups for getting on the show and they are beyond amazing.

  5. Well, that just sucks. You should come to New York, instead! We have kittens, at least . . .

  6. I was really touched by your letter! I'll bet he never saw it! I would guess it got stuck in some pile of fan mail. My suggestion is to call the center, and talk to a person! Anyone with a heart would swing the doors open wide for a sweetie like you!

  7. Dude, that stinks. I'm with the others- he probably never did see your letter, unfortunately. If I meet anyone who "knows people" I'll be in touch with you asap...but it's kind of unlikely. Want to visit Chicago as a bit of a consolation prize? You and your hubby can have our bedroom (it has an a/c!). :)

    That was a very well written letter. You are a well spoken lady. of course, we've known that for a while.

  8. India, your kittens are adorable and worth a visit all by themselves! ;) We've already booked the whole 2 weeks but you never know when we'll be possessed to visit the Big Apple again - the last time was way back in 2000.

    Thanks Katie! I thought I would see what happened when I got to LA. Besides being a sweetie I can look pathetic enough for people to feel sorry for me!

    Thanks for the offer Sarah! Wow. As I said, we have already booked all the other things we are going to enjoy in SoCal (and I've just discovered the Britex fabric store I never knew of in SF!) but we HAVE talked about how we have never visited Chicago! Except once, we sprinted through O'Hare to make a connexion. But I'll keep it in mind!

  9. Hi Julia,
    I was thinking that maybe they are in the midst of moving the center to his new location and maybe this summer is just the worst time for anyone to ask for a visit?
    After one of my surgeries I had a cat who sat on my abdomen everyday to let me know she cared. She knew I was needing healing power and gave freely until I got up off the couch.
    I spent most of my life in the LA area but now live in Medford, Oregon and watch Caesar on cable..he's terrific! I hope you have a super time on your trip! If you ever want some real nature trip, come to Medford and ride the Hellgate Boats or visit Ashland and immerse yourself in Shakespeare!

  10. I think it may be what we are all up against at the moment- technology (not always better than old fashioned human contact).
    He probably didn't ever get to read your letter and perhaps the emails are never read, just answered with an automatic response.
    I hope you and your husband enjoy your trip away. Wining and dining and quality time sounds lovely ;-)

  11. Sorry Julia, that comment above was from me.(Suzy)

  12. Well, Julia, I hadn't read your post by Saturday, but I've now done my homework...and I LOVE the last sentence...Yes, you SHOULD get a dog!

  13. YES! Get a dog. It's an omen. A dog who is desperate need of YOU. And to hell with dog guy. Enjoy your trip. Stop by if the spirit moves you and when you come home, get a dog

  14. Julia I hope that before you head out there that they contact you..and because they do probably get a high volume of emails you should just keep sending it....every day :) Good luck I would love to see you get this wish :) We watch the show and just love it too.

  15. Hi Julia,

    I came across your blog today - my first visit. I'm wondering if you've tried contact his manager. He is represented by IMG Worldwide, out of New York. Their # is 212/489-8300. You may want to try them - the worst you'll hear is no. :)

    Good luck,

  16. Awww..Cesar would be crazy to pass up your "wish". But your letter probably is just stuck in the middle of all the hundreds of fan mail he receives each day.

    But try and enjoy your trip regardless. Maybe you'll meet other celebrities. :)

  17. Hi Julia,
    How about a picture of the Gala dress?


  18. Hello there Julia, your blogs are kind of quiet. I hope that all is well with you. I checked for your email address but you don't have it posted :(....I really love checking out your sewing site and reading your other blogs too. Did you get a full load at the college? (I teach too, so I know what course prep is :) ).

  19. Hi Julia nice Blog!

    I Love sewing too...just enrolled to sewing class 4 days ago...i wanna be ur friend if u dont mind ha ha, i've added you in my links hope we can exchange links in the future...Pls.visit back my Blog & my baby blog too Thanks!

  20. Hello,

    for bespoke suits and shirts please visit Euro Tailors.

  21. Hi Julia! How are you doing? You are very much missed.

  22. And here I am visiting your blog, as your suggestion is well taken. I have been here before but haven't left a comment.
    Let me say that I am really quite dismayed by the lack of empathy from Cesar. I will be reporting to daughter Anna who is a huge fan too. Still maybe your letter did get buried and somewhere around Chrsitmas you'll get a personal invitation. Maybe...

  23. Oh, I am not upset any more about Cesar. As it turned out, he had moved from the place in LA where I sent the letter. And it is clear on his website that he doesn't do tours.

  24. Hi Julia! Just stumbled upon your blog as I have decided to start my own sewing blog, but from a beginner's point of view! Hope you want to follow mine. I'd still keep some hope about Cesar, you never know...oh and I love his show so don't want to yet think he could over look your important request. xx

  25. Hey Julia, Are you ever going to blog again?

  26. Hi Julia, just a note to say "Hi" & How are you.

  27. Hi Julia,
    I've enjoyed your blog for a while now. I miss your entries. I hope you're alright. You're in my prayers.

  28. I saw email Oprah about it or Tyra.. I am not being funny. They always grant wishes for people and at least you know they (their staff) read the requests... better than no shot at all.

  29. Julia, I check in now and then to see if you are well enough to post; you are one courageous lady and I am surely one of many who misses your posts and hopes things are improving. God bless. OllieV uk

  30. Hi Julia, I just check in from time to time. I hope all is well with you. Take Care. Ann

  31. Hi Julia,

    I miss your blogs--hope all is well and that you are looking forward to the new year!

    Lynda in LV

  32. Miss ya, Julia, and I hope you are well.
