Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Sleeve

June 12
I've got hung up with a job interview (full time teaching instead of just part time - the interview went well as far as I am concerned but you never know with these things) and gearing up to work at the Habitat for Humanity "Women Build" here near Ottawa. I had to take a safety course in preventing falls last night but it was fun and I learned a lot. Tomorrow I have to show up at the site at 7 in the morning, complete with steel-toed-full-steel-shank boots and a tool belt. I'm ready! Too bad I have to take two buses to get there. In the meanwhile, my sewing languishes.
the million pin sleeve set
I promised a reader a clapper tutorial and will write it up tomorrow (after working construction for the day!) but in the meantime, here is a photo of how I set the sleeves in on most garments. I rarely baste and prefer instead to use as many pins as I can possibly stick in the fabric.

In the other meantime, we are ordering a tandem to celebrate out 25th anniversary and while not occupying actual minutes of sewing time, does preoccupy me. Where shall we go first!?


  1. You are a busy lady! Best wishes on the teaching job ... hubby teaches and he's enjoying his summer off right now! The tandem looks like loads of fun, and many congrats on the anniversary.

  2. Thanks Julia and Gisaco! I'm going to try to blog about the H4H and bike over at my Guru blog.
