Sunday, May 13, 2007

Continuing the jacket prep work

I was wrong - my mother noticed the weave. It was a pleasure to have my parents here for the Mother's Day weekend, especially after all the health problems Mum had in the winter. Dad had something he had to do on Friday after they got here, so Mum came upstairs with me and sat in my sewing room, reading, while I cut the fabric out. She would find amusing passages from her book and read them aloud to me while I hunched over the cutting table. It was most companionable.
jacket prep
As I was cutting, I asked Mum about which side of the twill she thought was the "right" side and she thought the more visible weave with the diagonal markings was the right side and after we talked about it, I agreed.
jacket prep
After I had cut out all the green pieces, I sorted out which pieces I needed to cut the underside in blue and pinned them to the blue twill and cut them out, leaving a half inch seam allowance on the collar, cuffs and bottom bands. Then I cut out the corresponding pieces in interfacing and arranged them all so I could make sure I hadn't missed anything.
jacket prep
Finally, I sewed together the blue and green pieces, using an old leftover green thread for the bobbin and the blue thread for the top.


  1. With companionship like that, I might be more likely to pull myself together to do a little sewing!

  2. Granny J., it was so good to have her alive, never mind reading to me, that anything after that was bonus. I don't often get company in my sewing room - I have to bribe my husband with treats to get him to come in and even look at what I am doing. :) I shouldn't say that really, because he is very supportive in spite of him not liking the dress fabric (which really was kind of psychedelic and not in a good way). He loves the shirts I make him and likes most of the stuff I make myself too. I just have to get him interested in reading aloud to me. We did that once, at about year ten of the marriage (this is year 25), when I started reading the Narnia books aloud to him (which I had loved as a child) and he was so entranced with them that as my voice wore out, he would take them up and continue reading to me. It was a wonderful winter spent by the fire, reading those books.
