Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Starting to sew the coat together

pieces lined up (no pun intended)
Here are some pieces lined up, ready to sew. The square dark object is one of the pockets.
pocket before pressing
This is the lined pocket, turned right side out and ready for pressing. I turned it through the small gap in the sewing shown in the photo. I could sew that gap shut by hand but I think I will sew it shut with topstitching. Topstitching will also help to secure those ravelly fabric threads.
centre back seam
Here, I've sewed the centre back seam and am showing it before I pressed it open and flat. I pinked all the edges of the lining so it wouldn't fray, knowing that I would be trimming too many seams. You can see that the coat fabric is already fraying big time so it's a good thing I sewed the lining to each piece at about 3/8 inch and then again, it is sewn along the 5/8 seam line, so hopefully, by the time the whole coat unravels along the seams, it will also be worn out in other ways.
a dusting of snow
And this morning when I glanced out the front window, this is what I saw. Half an hour later however, the snow had melted from all the pavement and some of the grass where the sun hit it. We may not have a white Christmas this year.


  1. I like the colour of your coat material.
    We have had snow for 3 days and the weather forecast for Christmas is +5 C! And this is Finland. I might be facing my first snowless Christmas.

  2. We don't have that problem! It will be a white Christmas. However, I can't figure out how that'll happen when it's 14 degrees outside. The weather is very confused! One minute it's snowing, the other minute it's freezing...sigh...

  3. Thanks S.F. and ML. I just think the weather is weird and prefer not to link it to global warming. Let's wait until January before we complain about the warm weather! I have my Sorels ready and waiting for that minus 20 C with slush weather. (You only get the slush at the curbs where the road salt has melted what was plowed.) But I did ride my bike yesterday and will again today, to go get groceries!
